Youth Volleyball

Youth Volleyball

Spring - Parker

3/10/25 - 5/7/25

Join us for a Spring Volleyball Session. This session is for ages 10-14. All participants will have one practice a week and one game a week, both on separate days. Practices will be 50-60 minutes in length and games will be win best 2 of 3, rally score to 25 (15 final set). Practice on Mondays in Milton at the Parker YMCA. Practices will be at 7 pm. Games are on Wednesday evenings at the Parker YMCA at 6 pm.

There is no game week one (3/12) but we will have practice! There is no game or practice week three (3/24 – 3/26) for spring break.

Please make sure when you register that your email is correct and/or up to date on your account!

This program is supported by volunteer coaches. Volunteer coaches are needed to run practices and coach games. Without volunteer coaches, this program may not run. 

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Participant
Members only 1/24/25 1/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 70.00-
Members/CP 2/1/25 3/3/25 Online / Front Desk $ 75.00$ 95.00
Late Members/CP 3/4/25 3/6/25 Online / Front Desk $ 85.00$ 105.00

Available Sessions

03/10/25 - 05/07/25

Spring Session- Janesville

3/11/25 - 5/10/25

Join us for a Spring Volleyball Session. This session is for ages 7-9 and 10-13. All kids will have one practice a week and one game a week, both on separate days. Practices will be 50min in length and games will be win best 2 of 3, rally score to 25 (15 final set). Practice on Tuesday in Janesville. Times are determined by the volunteer coach, but will start after 6 pm. Games are on Saturdays at the Janesville YMCA.

This league will have two week off. No games or practice week two(3/17 – 3/22) for spring break and no games week one or week six, Easter weekend (4/19). In total there will be six games and 7 weeks of practice.

Please make sure when you register that your email is correct and/or up to date!

This program is supported by volunteer coaches. Volunteer coaches are needed to run practices and coach games. Without volunteer coaches, this program may not run. 

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Participant
Members 1/21/25 1/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 70.00-
Member/Community Participant(CP) 2/1/25 3/2/25 Online / Front Desk $ 75.00$ 95.00
Late Registration 3/3/25 3/11/25 Online / Front Desk $ 85.00$ 105.00

Available Sessions

03/11/25 - 05/10/25
10-13 year olds - Tu,Sa
03/11/25 - 05/10/25
7-9 year olds - Tu,Sa