Plan your child’s next birthday party at either the Janesville YMCA or Parker YMCA and leave everything to us!
You’ll spend the first hour of your party enjoying the activity of your choice. Then, head to your private party room for an hour of presents, refreshments, or food. Y Staff will be available throughout the party to help facilitate the activities and the fun!
Party Options:
- Gym Party (Janesville YMCA or Parker YMCA)
- Saturdays from 3-5PM or Sundays at a time you choose!
- Swim Party (Janesville YMCA)
- Saturdays from 1-3PM
- Gymnastics Party (Janesville YMCA)
- Saturdays from 12-2PM
- NEW! Esports Party (Janesville YMCA)
- Saturdays or Sundays – you choose the time!
Party dates may fluctuate based on staff/space availability.

Party Package Includes:
- 1 Hour Activity (Esports includes 90 minutes)
- 1 Hour in Private Party Room/Space
- Esports & Gymnastics Parties have a designated Party Host
- YMCA Guest Passes for Guests
15 Guests (Esports Limited to 10 Guests)
$150/Members, $190/Community Participants
16-20 Guests
$35/Additional Fee
A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to book your party.
YMCA Party Policies
- Parties must be reserved at least 2 weeks in advance.
- A $50, non-refundable deposit is due upon booking. Full payment is due prior to the start of the party, in order for the party to occur.
- Prices listed are for up to 15 children. An additional $35 fee is required if there will be 16-20 children. Maximum number of children is 20.
- The YMCA reserves the right to limit any additional persons beyond the contracted number in the facility.
- Please note: ALL adult chaperones MUST register in our computer system and cross-checked with the sex-offender registry in order to gain entrance to our facilities.
- All guests that are not active YMCA of Northern Rock County members must complete a Liability Waiver.
- Please plan on arriving no more than 15 minutes early and departing no more than 15 minutes after the end of the party. Your party room may not be available if you arrive early.
- The party room and activities are for registered guests only.
- The group is only allowed in areas designated and reserved for the party.
- At least one adult must stay with the party at all times. Pool parties may require additional adults.
- The individual booking the party is responsible for the group’s conduct and all property and space used by the group.
- The YMCA reserves the right to remove a group from the facility if the situation is deemed unsafe or if there is inadequate parental supervision. No refund will be given.
- To respect the privacy of our members, all photographs and video recordings must be limited to the party room.
- The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items or items left on the premises.
- The party room must be left in the same condition in which it was found prior to the party. In the event that facilities are left in a condition that requires more than normal cleaning, additional fees may be assessed.
- The YMCA does not provide food or have refrigeration or heating available. Please plan accordingly.
- Maximum number of participants allowed for pool parties is 15 (excluding in-water chaperones).
- Pool party age requirements differ by branch. Please check with hosting location on requirement.
- Pool parties may be held during open swim with other Y members.
- Guests must bring their own towel, lock, and swimsuit.
- Guests must abide by all pool rules.
- Swim tests are required for all pool party participants.
- Children that do not pass the swim test must wear a provided flotation device.
- Pools with slide features have specific safety rules including height requirements for use. Guests must abide by these specific feature safety rules or they will not be allowed to use the slides.
- Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to use the whirlpools.
The YMCA has mandatory adult-to-child ratios for the pool. Group chaperones must be in the pool as outlined below (or the group may not be allowed to swim):
- One adult in the water supervising for every 2 children using a flotation device
- One adult in the water supervising for every 1 child ages 5 years and under (1:1 supervision required)
- One adult in the water supervising for every 3 children ages 6-7 years old
- Two adults in the water supervising for every 15 children ages 8-9, with one additional adult on deck
- One adult on the deck for every 15 children ages 10+
The lifeguards and Y Staff are allowed to restrict the party from entering the water if there are not enough adults getting into the water to supervise per the “mandatory adult to child supervision” policy. If this occurs, the party will be directed to an alternate land area to continue with a land-based party. No refunds will be given.